The Knights of Columbus encourages all to choose life through public support of the pro-life cause. Knights can organize and participate in local/state/province/ regional marches for life and/or organize participation of Knights/parishioners/students/etc., in bus trips to the national marches in Washington, D.C., Ottawa, Mexico City, throughout the Philippines, or in other countries, showing unwavering public support for the right to life.
The Pennsylvania State Council Life Team is suggesting that each Council discuss and start planning this program now to make sure that the March on Washington DC in January will be the most successful ever. If the Council cannot attend, they should plan a local prayer service for those travelling to the march, or some other type of local awareness of the pro-life cause. Grand Knights should have already held a meeting with their Life Directors to discuss plans for either a trip to the March, or some other local event. Go to for more March information. For more details on how to conduct and obtain support materials, go to the supreme website at:
The goal of each Council is to get others in the parish and community involved and aware of our commitment to defending the right to life of every human being from the moment of conception to natural death.